Workshop on Strategic plan & Key strategic pillars of Caritas India and CST was organized by CG Forum on 19- 20th July 2019, at Byron Bazar Pastoral Centre, Raipur. There were 35 participants from 5 dioceses – Directors, fathers, sisters,project coordinators and youth. Archbishop Victor Henry Thakur and Fr.Sebastian Poomattum, VG of Raipur Archdiocese, participated in the program. The training was facilitated by Fr. Jolly Assistant Director of Caritas India and Ms. Shimray Program Manager of Caritas India. Fr. Jolly explained the principles of the Catholic social teaching and Ms Shimray gave input session on four Key Strategic Pillars of Caritas India that is Empower Animation, Dialogue, Promotion of Volunteerism and Sharing community. Archbishop said that we need to share the principles of catholic social teachings. Fr. Sebastian Poomattum gave a thought provoking message on the importance of the CST.
– Sr. Deepti SCSC